2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

Looking to satisfy your carb cravings without spending hours in the kitchen? Look no further! In this article, we’ve got the ultimate collection of 2 ingredient bread recipes that will blow your mind.

Yes, you heard it right, just two simple ingredients are all you need to whip up delicious loaves of bread. From classic white bread to cheesy garlic and sweet cinnamon, these recipes are perfect for anyone seeking freedom in the kitchen.

Get ready to bake up some magic!

Key Takeaways

Simple White Bread Recipe

You can make a simple white bread recipe with just a few ingredients. To start, gather all-purpose flour, sugar, salt, active dry yeast, warm water, and vegetable oil.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and salt. In a separate bowl, activate the yeast by dissolving it in warm water with a pinch of sugar. Let it sit for 5 minutes until it becomes foamy.

Pour the yeast mixture into the dry ingredients and add the vegetable oil. Mix until a dough forms, then knead it for about 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour or until it doubles in size.

Punch down the dough, shape it into a loaf, and place it in a greased loaf pan. Let it rise again for about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C), then bake the bread for 30-35 minutes until it turns golden brown. Allow it to cool before slicing.

With this simple white bread recipe, you’ll be able to enjoy the satisfaction of baking your own delicious bread at home.

Now, let’s move on to discussing a fluffy whole wheat bread recipe.

2 Ingredient Bread Recipes
2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

Fluffy Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

To achieve a fluffy whole wheat bread recipe, gather your whole wheat flour, honey, salt, active dry yeast, warm water, and olive oil. Whole wheat bread is a healthier alternative to white bread as it retains the bran and germ of the wheat, which contain valuable nutrients and fiber.

Here are three benefits of using whole wheat flour in your bread recipe:

  1. Nutritional Value: Whole wheat flour is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing you with a wholesome and nourishing option for your bread.
  2. Fiber-Rich: Whole wheat bread is high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, helps maintain a healthy weight, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  3. Satisfying and Filling: The fiber content in whole wheat bread keeps you feeling full for longer, curbing unnecessary snacking and promoting a balanced diet.

Now that you understand the benefits of whole wheat bread, it’s time to explore a delicious gluten-free bread recipe.

Gluten-Free Bread Recipe

Looking to make gluten-free bread? No worries, we’ve got you covered!

In this section, we’ll explore ingredient substitutions that work well for gluten-free bread, along with some helpful baking tips to ensure success.

Plus, we’ll discuss the differences in texture you can expect when making gluten-free bread compared to traditional wheat bread.

Let’s get started on your gluten-free bread-making adventure!

Ingredient Substitutions for Gluten-Free Bread

When making gluten-free bread, it’s important to consider ingredient substitutions that can help achieve a similar texture and taste. Here are three tips for baking with gluten-free ingredients:

  1. Use gluten-free flour alternatives: Instead of traditional wheat flour, opt for gluten-free flours such as almond flour, coconut flour, or a blend of gluten-free flours. These alternatives can provide a similar texture and flavor to your bread.
  2. Add xanthan gum or psyllium husk: These ingredients can help improve the texture and structure of gluten-free bread. They act as binders and help create a chewy and moist texture.
  3. Increase the liquid content: Gluten-free flours tend to absorb more liquid, so it’s important to increase the amount of liquid in your recipe. This can help prevent dry and crumbly bread.

By following these tips and experimenting with different ingredients, you can create delicious gluten-free bread that rivals its gluten-filled counterparts.

Enjoy the freedom of enjoying bread without the gluten!

2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

Baking Tips for Gluten-Free Bread

You can achieve a light and fluffy texture in your gluten-free bread by incorporating a specific baking technique.

When it comes to gluten-free baking, ingredient substitutions are crucial to consider. Gluten-free flours, such as almond flour, rice flour, or tapioca flour, are commonly used as alternatives to wheat flour. These substitutions can affect the texture and taste of the bread. Gluten-free bread tends to be denser and have a different texture compared to traditional bread.

To achieve a lighter and more airy texture, it’s important to add ingredients that can help with the rise and structure of the bread. For example, adding xanthan gum or psyllium husk can help improve the texture and prevent the bread from becoming too crumbly. Additionally, using warm water and yeast can aid in the fermentation process, resulting in a better rise and a softer loaf.

2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: BreadCuisine: VariousDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Cooking time





Discover simplicity with 2 Ingredient Bread Recipes. Easy and versatile, these recipes use just two basic ingredients, offering a quick solution for homemade bread without compromising on taste or texture.


  • 2 cups self-rising flour

  • 1 1/4 cups Greek yogurt


  • Mix ingredients until a dough forms.
  • Knead briefly on a floured surface.
  • Shape into a loaf and place in a greased pan.
  • Bake at 375°F (190°C) until golden brown.
  • Cool, slice, and enjoy your simple 2 Ingredient Bread!

Texture Differences in Gluten-Free Bread

To achieve the desired texture in your gluten-free bread, try incorporating various ingredients and techniques. Gluten-free baking poses some challenges, but with the right approach, you can create a bread that’s delicious and satisfying. Here are three key factors to consider when aiming for the perfect texture:

  1. Flour Blend: Experiment with different gluten-free flour blends to find one that suits your flavor preferences. Some popular options include rice flour, almond flour, and tapioca flour. Combining different flours can help mimic the elasticity and structure that gluten provides.
  2. Binding Agents: Since gluten-free bread lacks the binding properties of gluten, it’s important to use ingredients that can hold the bread together. Common binding agents include xanthan gum, guar gum, or psyllium husk powder. These ingredients help give the bread a better texture and prevent it from crumbling.
  3. Mixing Techniques: Gluten-free bread batter often requires more mixing to develop structure. Use a stand mixer or hand mixer to ensure proper incorporation of ingredients and to create a lighter and more aerated final product.

By considering these factors and experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, you can overcome the challenges of gluten-free baking and create a bread with a texture that satisfies your taste buds.

Now, let’s move on to the next section where we’ll explore a mouthwatering recipe for cheesy garlic bread.

Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe

You’ll love the cheesy goodness and savory flavors of this simple and delicious garlic bread recipe.

Cheesy garlic bread is a popular dish that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with other dishes.

There are many variations of cheesy garlic bread, allowing you to customize it to your taste. One option is to add different types of cheese, such as mozzarella, cheddar, or Parmesan, to create a unique flavor profile.

Another variation is to incorporate herbs like parsley or oregano for an extra burst of freshness.

When serving cheesy garlic bread, it can be a great accompaniment to soups, salads, or pasta dishes. The warm, cheesy, and garlic-infused bread is the perfect complement to these meals.

Sweet Cinnamon Bread Recipe

Get ready to enjoy a mouthwatering slice of this delectable sweet cinnamon bread recipe. This irresistible bread is filled with the warm and comforting flavors of cinnamon, making it the perfect treat for any time of day.

Here are three reasons why this sweet cinnamon bread recipe will become your new favorite:

  1. Cinnamon swirl variations: This recipe allows you to get creative with different cinnamon swirl variations. You can experiment with adding nutmeg, cloves, or even a touch of cardamom to enhance the spice flavors.
  2. Best toppings for sweet cinnamon bread: The possibilities are endless when it comes to toppings for this bread. You can spread a layer of cream cheese frosting on top for a decadent twist, or simply dust it with powdered sugar for a classic touch.
  3. Transition: Now that you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth with this delicious cinnamon bread, it’s time to move on to the next mouthwatering recipe: the savory herb bread. Stay tuned for a burst of savory flavors that will leave you wanting more.

Savory Herb Bread Recipe

Looking to add some savory flavor to your bread? Our savory herb bread recipe is here to help.

In this article, we’ll discuss herb pairing suggestions and the various flavor variations you can explore.

Get ready to elevate your bread game with delicious herbs and spices.

Herb Pairing Suggestions

For a truly flavorful experience, try adding a generous amount of fresh herbs to your savory herb bread recipe. Not only will the herbs add a burst of aroma and taste, but they also come with a variety of health benefits. Here are three herb pairing suggestions to take your savory herb bread to the next level:

  1. Rosemary and Thyme: These classic herbs complement each other perfectly and bring a savory and earthy flavor to your bread. They also have antioxidant properties and can help boost your immune system.
  2. Basil and Oregano: This dynamic duo adds a Mediterranean twist to your bread. Basil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, while oregano is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Parsley and Chives: These fresh and vibrant herbs add a pop of color to your bread. Parsley is packed with vitamins A and C, while chives contain beneficial compounds that support digestion.

Experiment with different herb combinations to find your favorite flavor profile and enjoy the freedom of creating delicious, herb-infused bread.

Flavor Variations Possible

Try out these three flavor variations to elevate your savory herb bread recipe. By adding different flavor combinations to your bread, you can create unique and delicious adaptations of the classic recipe. Here are three ideas to get you started:

Flavor CombinationRecipe Adaptation
Garlic and ParmesanAdd minced garlic and grated Parmesan cheese to the dough for a savory and cheesy twist.
Rosemary and Sea SaltMix in chopped fresh rosemary and sprinkle sea salt on top for a fragrant and savory bread with a hint of crunch.
Sundried Tomato and BasilIncorporate chopped sundried tomatoes and dried basil into the dough for a flavorful and aromatic bread that pairs well with Italian dishes.

These flavor variations allow you to experiment with different ingredients and create a bread that suits your taste preferences. Get creative and enjoy the freedom to customize your savory herb bread recipe.

Frequently Asked Questions – 2 Ingredient Bread Recipes

Can I Substitute All-Purpose Flour With Whole Wheat Flour in the Simple White Bread Recipe?

Yes, you can substitute all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour in the simple white bread recipe. It will add a nutty flavor and increase the fiber content. Just make sure to adjust the liquid amount accordingly.

How Can I Make the Gluten-Free Bread Recipe Without Using Eggs?

To make a gluten-free bread recipe without using eggs, you can try using egg replacers like applesauce, mashed banana, or flaxseed meal mixed with water. These vegan options will help bind the ingredients together and create a moist bread.

Can I Use a Different Type of Cheese in the Cheesy Garlic Bread Recipe?

Yes, you can definitely use a different type of cheese in the cheesy garlic bread recipe. There are so many alternatives for cheese, like cheddar, mozzarella, or even a blend of different cheeses. Get creative and experiment with different flavors!

Can I Add Nuts or Raisins to the Sweet Cinnamon Bread Recipe?

Want to jazz up your sweet cinnamon bread? Go ahead and add nuts or raisins. And if you’re feeling adventurous with your cheesy garlic bread, feel free to use different types of cheese!

What Herbs Can I Use in the Savory Herb Bread Recipe?

Looking to spice up your savory herb bread recipe? Consider alternative herbs like rosemary, thyme, or oregano. Not only will they add a burst of flavor, but they’re also easy to grow in your own herb garden. Get creative and enjoy the freedom of experimenting!


In conclusion, these 2 Ingredient Bread Recipes offer a simple and delicious solution for homemade bread lovers. Whether you prefer a classic white bread, a fluffy whole wheat option, or need a gluten-free alternative, there’s a recipe for everyone.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, try the cheesy garlic, sweet cinnamon, or savory herb variations for a burst of flavor. Remember, as the saying goes, ‘The best things in life are often the simplest.’

So why not embark on this bread-making journey and enjoy the satisfaction of baking your own bread with just two ingredients?

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