Amish Tomato Bread Recipe

Amish Tomato Bread Recipe

Are you craving a delicious and flavorful bread that will transport you to the heart of Amish country? Look no further than this tantalizing Amish Tomato Bread recipe.

With its perfect balance of tangy tomatoes and warm, fresh bread, this recipe is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Follow our simple step-by-step instructions and elevate your baking game to new heights.

Get ready to enjoy the freedom of creating a homemade bread that is both comforting and full of flavor.

Key Takeaways

Ingredients Needed for Amish Tomato Bread

To make Amish Tomato Bread, you’ll need a total of 11 ingredients. The first ingredient is active dry yeast, which helps the bread rise and gives it a fluffy texture. Next, you’ll need warm water to activate the yeast. Sugar and salt add flavor to the bread, while olive oil adds moisture and richness. Bread flour is used to give the bread structure and a chewy texture. Tomato paste is the star ingredient that gives the bread its distinct tomato flavor. Other ingredients include dried basil, dried oregano, garlic powder, and grated Parmesan cheese, which enhance the overall taste of the bread. Finally, you’ll need some cornmeal for dusting the baking sheet.

When it comes to variations, you can experiment by adding different herbs or spices to customize the flavor. You could also add some diced sun-dried tomatoes or shredded cheese for extra texture and taste.

For storage, once the Amish Tomato Bread is completely cooled, you can store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you want to freeze the bread, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in a freezer-safe bag or container. It can be frozen for up to 3 months. To thaw, simply leave it at room temperature for a few hours or warm it in the oven for a few minutes.

Enjoy the freedom of having delicious homemade Amish Tomato Bread whenever you desire.

Amish Tomato Bread Recipe
Amish Tomato Bread Recipe

Step-By-Step Instructions for Making Amish Tomato Bread

Now that you have gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step instructions for making Amish Tomato Bread.

In this section, we’ll discuss various variations of tomato bread, provide valuable tips for a successful outcome, and explore some serving suggestions to enhance your enjoyment of this delicious bread.

Amish Tomato Bread Recipe

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: BreakfastCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Intermediate


Prep time


Cooking time


Per Slice Calories



Experience the rustic charm of Amish Tomato Bread. This recipe combines the sweetness of tomatoes with the hearty goodness of homemade bread, creating a unique and flavorful loaf that's perfect for any meal.


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • 2 teaspoons salt

  • 1 tablespoon dried basil

  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano

  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast

  • 1 cup tomato juice

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  • In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, basil, and oregano.
  • In a separate bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water and add tomato juice and olive oil.
  • Mix wet and dry ingredients, knead until smooth, and let it rise until doubled in size.
  • Divide the dough into two, shape into loaves, and place in greased pans.
  • Allow the loaves to rise again, then bake at 375°F (190°C) for 45-50 minutes.
  • Cool, slice, and enjoy the rich, savory flavor of Amish Tomato Bread.

Tomato Bread Variations

Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. Once you have mastered the basic Amish tomato bread recipe, it’s time to explore some exciting variations that will take your tomato bread to the next level. Get creative with different toppings and mix-ins to add unique flavors and textures to your bread. Here are four delicious variations to try:

1Parmesan cheeseSprinkle freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top of the bread before baking. It will create a crispy, savory crust that pairs perfectly with the tomato flavor.
2Basil and mozzarellaSlice fresh mozzarella cheese and place it on top of the bread. Add a few fresh basil leaves for a classic caprese-inspired twist.
3Sun-dried tomatoes and fetaChop sun-dried tomatoes and crumble feta cheese. Mix them into the dough before baking for bursts of rich, tangy flavor.
4Garlic and herbsAdd minced garlic and a medley of herbs, such as thyme, rosemary, and oregano, to the dough. It will infuse the bread with aromatic flavors.

With these variations, you can customize your tomato bread to suit your taste preferences and elevate your baking game. Let your imagination run wild and enjoy the freedom of experimenting with different flavors.

Amish Tomato Bread Tips

Once you have explored the exciting variations for Amish tomato bread, it’s time to delve into the step-by-step instructions for making this delicious bread. Here are some tips to help you bake the perfect loaf of Amish tomato bread.

First, make sure you have all the ingredients on hand. You’ll need flour, sugar, salt, yeast, tomato paste, oil, and water.

Next, mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the tomato paste, oil, and water. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring until a dough forms.

Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for about 10 minutes, until it becomes smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a clean towel, and let it rise for about an hour, or until it doubles in size.

Once the dough has risen, punch it down and shape it into a loaf. Place the loaf in a greased bread pan and let it rise again for about 30 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and bake the bread for about 30-35 minutes, or until it’s golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.

Once the bread is done, remove it from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack before slicing and serving.

Now that you know how to make Amish tomato bread, let’s explore different ways to use it. You can enjoy it as a delicious sandwich bread, toasted with butter and jam, or as a side to soups and stews. It also makes a fantastic base for bruschetta or a tomato and cheese tart. The possibilities are endless! So go ahead and get creative with your Amish tomato bread. Enjoy!

Amish Tomato Bread Recipe

Tomato Bread Serving Suggestions

To serve your freshly baked Amish tomato bread, follow these step-by-step instructions.

Once your bread has cooled, you can begin by selecting your preferred spreading options. A classic choice is to spread a layer of butter across each slice, allowing it to melt into the warm bread.

If you want a tangy twist, try spreading cream cheese mixed with chopped fresh herbs like basil or chives.

Another tasty option is to use avocado as a spread, adding a creamy and nutritious element to the bread.

Now that you have chosen your spreading options, it’s time to think about accompaniment ideas. Pairing the tomato bread with a bowl of homemade tomato soup creates a comforting and delicious meal.

Alternatively, you can serve the bread alongside a fresh garden salad or as a side to a hearty vegetable stew.

The possibilities are endless, so feel free to get creative and experiment with different spreads and accompaniments to complement your Amish tomato bread.


Tips for Selecting the Best Tomatoes for This Recipe

When selecting tomatoes for this recipe, consider choosing ones that are ripe, firm, and free from any blemishes. The quality of the tomatoes will greatly impact the taste and texture of your Amish Tomato Bread.

Here are some tips to help you select the best tomatoes:

By using heirloom tomatoes in this recipe, you can enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your tomato bread. Heirloom tomatoes are grown using traditional tomato bread farming techniques, allowing them to develop their full potential in terms of taste and texture. These tomatoes come in a variety of colors and shapes, making your tomato bread visually appealing as well.

Plus, heirloom tomatoes are known for their rich and complex flavors, which will take your Amish Tomato Bread to a whole new level. So, when selecting tomatoes for this recipe, consider the benefits of using heirloom tomatoes and enjoy the delicious results.

How to Properly Store and Freeze Amish Tomato Bread

To properly store and freeze your Amish Tomato Bread, follow these simple steps.

First, allow the bread to cool completely before storing or freezing. This helps to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold.

Once cooled, wrap the bread tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to preserve its freshness. For long-term storage, place the wrapped bread in airtight freezer bags or containers. Be sure to label the bags or containers with the date to keep track of freshness.

When freezing, it’s best to slice the bread before freezing to make it easier to thaw and enjoy later.

To thaw the bread, simply leave it at room temperature or warm it in the oven.

Variations and Additions to Enhance the Flavor of Your Bread

Now that you’ve mastered the basic Amish tomato bread recipe, it’s time to take it up a notch and experiment with variations and additions to enhance the flavor.

One way to do this is by trying different spice blend options, such as adding Italian herbs, garlic powder, or even a hint of cayenne pepper for a kick.

Another option is to get creative with cheese fillings, like using sharp cheddar, mozzarella, or even crumbled feta to add a savory twist to your bread.

Spice Blend Options

As you explore spice blend options to enhance the flavor of your Amish Tomato Bread, consider incorporating variations and additions that will elevate the taste of your homemade loaf. There are numerous spice blend alternatives and flavor enhancers you can experiment with to create a unique and delicious bread.

Here are two sub-lists of options to inspire your culinary creativity:

Spice Blend Alternatives:

Flavor Enhancers:

Cheese Filling Ideas

Consider incorporating various cheese fillings to enhance the flavor of your Amish Tomato Bread. Cheese adds a rich and creamy element that pairs perfectly with the tangy tomato flavor. Here are some cheese filling recipes and alternative bread fillings you can try:

Cheese FillingDescriptionRecommended Pairings
MozzarellaMelts beautifully and adds a mild tasteFresh basil and sliced tomatoes
CheddarSharp and tangy flavorSmoked bacon and caramelized onions
Goat CheeseCreamy and tangyRoasted garlic and fresh herbs
GruyereNutty and earthySliced ham and caramelized onions

Serving Suggestions and Pairing Ideas for Amish Tomato Bread

One simple way to enhance your Amish Tomato Bread experience is to pair it with a refreshing summer salad. The juicy, tangy flavors of the tomato bread are perfectly complemented by the crispness of fresh greens and the sweetness of seasonal fruits.

Here are two sub-lists to create imagery in your mind:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Canned Tomatoes Instead of Fresh Tomatoes for This Recipe?

Yes, you can use canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes for this recipe. However, it’s important to properly store fresh tomatoes to ensure their freshness and flavor.

Can I Substitute Whole Wheat Flour for All-Purpose Flour in This Bread Recipe?

You can definitely substitute whole wheat flour for all-purpose flour in this bread recipe. Whole wheat flour has more fiber and nutrients, making it a healthier choice. As for fresh tomatoes, they add a burst of flavor and moisture to the bread.

Can I Add Other Vegetables, Such as Onions or Bell Peppers, to the Bread Dough?

Yes, you can add other vegetables like onions or bell peppers to your bread dough. Experiment with different types such as zucchini or carrots. Enhance the flavor with seasonings like garlic or herbs for a delicious twist. Enjoy the freedom to explore and create!

How Long Does It Take for the Bread to Cool Down After Baking?

To properly store the bread after it has cooled down, let it cool completely on a wire rack for about 2 hours. To prevent it from becoming soggy, make sure to place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap.

Can I Make This Recipe Gluten-Free by Using a Gluten-Free Flour Blend?

Yes, you can make this recipe gluten-free by using a gluten-free flour blend. Simply substitute the regular flour with the gluten-free blend in the same quantity. Enjoy your delicious gluten-free tomato bread!

Can I Use the Amish Tomato Bread Recipe to Make a Blueberry Bread with Crumb Topping?

Yes, you can use the Amish Tomato Bread Recipe to make a delicious blueberry bread with crumb topping. Simply substitute fresh blueberries for the tomatoes in the recipe, and prepare a crumb topping using butter, flour, sugar, and cinnamon. Once baked, you’ll have a delightful blueberry bread with a sweet and crunchy topping. Enjoy!


In conclusion, this Amish Tomato Bread recipe offers a delightful combination of flavors that will surely please your taste buds.

With its unique blend of ingredients and simple preparation process, this bread is a must-try for any bread lover.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to savor the richness of this delectable treat.

Give it a try and experience the euphoria of indulging in this scrumptious Amish Tomato Bread.

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