Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe

Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe

To make Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe, gather bread flour, water, sugar, salt, and yeast. Create a soft, slightly sticky dough for a light texture. Slice carrots, daikon, and cucumber, and pickle in a tangy solution for crunch. Mix dough and pickled veggies for authenticity. Shape into ovals, bake at 400°F until golden. Experiment with protein fillings for flavor. Layer with pickles, herbs, and protein. Add hoisin or Sriracha for extra kick. Create a visually appealing platter with garnishes. Elevate with iced tea or mixed greens. The perfect blend awaits to enhance your Banh Mi experience.

Key Takeaways

Ingredients Needed

To create authentic Vietnamese bread rolls, gather the following essential ingredients. Start by preparing the bread dough. You’ll need high-quality bread flour, warm water, sugar, salt, and active dry yeast. The bread dough should be soft, elastic, and slightly sticky to the touch, ensuring a light and airy texture once baked.

Next, prepare the pickled vegetables. Thinly slice carrots, daikon radish, and cucumber. Place the vegetables in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Let them sit for about 30 minutes to draw out excess moisture. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly and then soak them in a mixture of rice vinegar, sugar, and water for a tangy and crunchy finish.

These two components, the bread dough and pickled vegetables, are fundamental to creating the perfect Vietnamese bread rolls. The soft and fluffy bread paired with the crisp and tangy pickled vegetables will give your rolls an authentic and delicious flavor profile that’s sure to impress.

Preparing the Bread Dough

Now, moving on to the process of preparing the bread dough, let’s explore the foundational step that sets the stage for crafting authentic Vietnamese bread rolls. When mixing the dough, make sure you achieve the perfect consistency – not too dry, not too sticky. The dough should be smooth and elastic, easily forming into a ball without sticking to your hands.

After kneading, allow the dough to rise for about 1 to 1.5 hours in a warm, draft-free place. During this time, the yeast works its magic, creating those airy pockets that give Vietnamese bread rolls their signature texture.

Once the dough has doubled in size, it’s time for bread shaping. Divide the dough into equal portions and shape them into oval rolls, gently tucking the edges underneath to create a smooth surface. Preheat your oven to the ideal baking temperature of around 400°F (200°C).

Before placing the rolls in the oven, you can brush them with a light egg wash for a shiny crust. Bake until golden brown, and enjoy the delightful aroma of freshly baked Vietnamese bread rolls filling your kitchen.

Making the Pickled Vegetables

For the perfect balance of tanginess and crunch in your Vietnamese bread rolls, begin by crafting the pickled vegetables. The pickling process is essential for adding a zesty kick to your rolls. Here’s how to make the perfect pickled vegetables:

  1. Preparation: Start by julienning carrots, daikon radish, and cucumber. Place them in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Let them sit for about 15 minutes to draw out excess water.
  2. Pickling Solution: In a separate pot, combine equal parts water, rice vinegar, and sugar. Add a pinch of salt and bring to a boil until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.
  3. Pickling Vegetables: Rinse the salted vegetables to remove excess salt, then pack them into a jar. Pour the pickling solution over the vegetables, ensuring they’re fully submerged. Let it sit for at least an hour to marinate.
  4. Flavor Profiles: The pickled vegetables not only add a tangy crunch but also bring a revitalizing balance to the savory flavors of the bread rolls. Experiment with ingredient variations like adding chili for heat or garlic for extra depth of flavor, reflecting the cultural significance of these traditional Vietnamese ingredients.

Cooking the Protein Filling

When cooking the protein filling for your Vietnamese bread rolls, it’s important to pay attention to the preparation process to achieve the best flavor and texture.

Utilize various cooking techniques to enhance the taste and tenderness of the protein, such as grilling, stir-frying, or marinating.

Consider experimenting with different flavor enhancement ideas like using traditional Vietnamese spices or incorporating a unique twist to elevate the overall dish.

Protein Filling Preparation

Begin by sautéing the protein of your choice with aromatic ingredients to enhance the flavors in the filling. Here’s a simple guide to help you create a delicious protein filling for your Vietnamese bread rolls:

  1. Marinating Process:

Marinate your protein (such as tofu, chicken, pork, or shrimp) with a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, and a touch of honey for at least 30 minutes to infuse it with flavor.

  1. Flavor Combinations:

Experiment with different flavor combinations like lemongrass and ginger for a invigorating twist, or soy sauce and five-spice powder for a more traditional taste.

  1. Sautéing Technique:

Heat a pan with oil, add your marinated protein, and cook until browned and cooked through.

  1. Adjust Seasoning:

Taste the filling and adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper, or additional sauces as needed.

Cooking Techniques and Tips

To achieve a perfectly cooked and flavorful protein filling for your Vietnamese bread rolls, master the art of controlling the heat during the sautéing process. Start by heating your pan over medium-high heat and adding a touch of oil.

Sear your protein—whether it’s pork, chicken, or tofu—until it develops a golden crust, locking in those savory juices. Use your spatula to flip and move the protein around, ensuring even cooking.

Incorporate your seasoning secrets at this stage to infuse the filling with depth and aroma. Experiment with flavor pairings like soy sauce and garlic or lemongrass and chili for an authentic taste. Utilize cooking hacks such as adding a splash of broth to keep the meat moist.

Mastering these baking techniques will elevate your Vietnamese bread roll experience.

Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe
Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe

Flavor Enhancement Ideas

For an extra burst of flavor in your Vietnamese bread rolls, infuse your protein filling with aromatic herbs and spices during the cooking process. Here are some tips to elevate the flavors of your protein filling:

  1. Flavor Pairing: Experiment with traditional Vietnamese flavor combinations like lemongrass and fish sauce for an authentic taste.
  2. Seasoning Variations: Try adding a dash of soy sauce or hoisin sauce for a savory twist to your protein filling.
  3. Presentation Techniques: Consider topping your protein filling with fresh cilantro or mint leaves for a pop of color and freshness.
  4. Garnish Options: Sprinkle some crushed peanuts or fried shallots over your protein filling to add a satisfying crunch to your Vietnamese bread rolls.

Assembling the Banh Mi

Prepare all your fresh ingredients, including the pickled vegetables, cilantro, jalapenos, and protein of your choice, to start assembling the Banh Mi. The beauty of Banh Mi lies in the endless possibilities of flavor combinations and garnish options. When assembling, consider the cultural influences that have shaped this iconic dish.

Begin by slicing the bread roll variations – whether it’s a classic baguette or a softer brioche bun – ensuring it’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Spread a layer of pâté or mayonnaise on one side of the bread, enhancing the richness of the Banh Mi. Layer on your protein choice – whether it’s grilled pork, lemongrass chicken, or tofu – adding a burst of flavor and texture.

Next, pile on the pickled vegetables for a tangy crunch, followed by fresh cilantro and spicy jalapenos for a kick of heat. Close the sandwich with the other half of the bread roll and press gently to meld all the flavors together. Your Banh Mi is now assembled and ready to be enjoyed!

Serving and Enjoying Your Creation

Now that you’ve assembled your Banh Mi, it’s time to elevate the experience with some serving suggestions.

Plating for appeal can make your creation even more enticing, adding to the enjoyment of your meal.

Share this flavorful dish with friends for a truly delightful dining experience.

Serving Suggestions

When ready to serve your Vietnamese bread rolls, consider pairing them with a side of tangy pickled vegetables to enhance their flavors. Here are some suggestions to elevate your dining experience:

  1. Fresh Herbs: Add a generous amount of fresh cilantro, mint, or Thai basil to your bread rolls for a burst of herbal invigoration.
  2. Dipping Sauces: Serve alongside hoisin sauce, Sriracha, or a spicy peanut sauce for dipping to add layers of flavor.
  3. Light Greens: Accompany your rolls with a simple side salad of mixed greens dressed in a light vinaigrette for a revitalizing contrast.
  4. Iced Tea: Quench your thirst with a glass of traditional Vietnamese iced tea for a complete and satisfying meal experience.

Plating for Appeal

Craft your Vietnamese bread rolls on a visually appealing platter to enhance the overall dining experience. Utilize various plating techniques to elevate the presentation of your dish. Consider arranging the rolls in a diagonal pattern or stacking them artfully.

Incorporate garnish options such as fresh herbs like cilantro and mint to add a pop of color and freshness. Play with color contrast by placing the rolls on a vibrant plate to make them visually striking.

When it comes to texture pairing, think about including crunchy elements like sliced cucumbers or crushed peanuts alongside the soft bread and fillings. By paying attention to these details, you can create a visually enticing spread that not only looks good but also enhances the enjoyment of your Vietnamese bread rolls.

Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: Appetizer, SnackCuisine: VietnameseDifficulty: Moderate


Prep time


Cooking time


per roll Calories



This Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe, also known as "Banh Mi," offers a delightful blend of flavors and textures. Crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, these rolls are filled with savory ingredients like grilled meats, pickled vegetables, and fresh herbs, making them a perfect snack or light meal.


  • 4 Vietnamese baguettes (or French baguettes)

  • 300g grilled meat (such as pork, chicken, or tofu)

  • 1 cup pickled daikon and carrots

  • Fresh cilantro leaves

  • Fresh cucumber slices

  • Mayonnaise or pâté (optional)

  • Maggi seasoning sauce (optional)


  • Slice the baguettes lengthwise, leaving one side attached.
  • If using grilled meat, thinly slice it against the grain.
  • Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise or pâté on the inside of each baguette.
  • Fill the baguettes with grilled meat, pickled daikon and carrots, cucumber slices, and cilantro leaves.
  • Drizzle with Maggi seasoning sauce, if desired.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy the delicious flavors of Vietnamese Bread Rolls!

Enjoy With Friends

To fully savor the delightful flavors of your Vietnamese bread rolls, invite your friends to gather around, share in the experience, and relish every bite together. Here are some fun ways to enjoy your creation with friends:

  1. Picnic Gatherings: Take your Vietnamese bread rolls to a local park or a scenic spot, spread out a cozy blanket, and enjoy a casual picnic with your friends. Taste testing amidst nature’s beauty adds an extra layer of enjoyment.
  2. Outdoor Barbecues: Pair your Vietnamese bread rolls with grilled meats and veggies at an outdoor barbecue. The combination of smoky flavors from the grill and the freshness of the rolls will tantalize your taste buds.
  3. Potluck Parties: Bring your Vietnamese bread rolls to a potluck party and watch as your friends delight in trying out this unique dish. Sharing food is a great way to bond and create lasting memories.
  4. Casual Gatherings: Whether it’s a movie night or a game night, serving Vietnamese bread rolls at casual gatherings adds a touch of exotic flair to your get-togethers. Enjoy the company of your friends while indulging in these delicious rolls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use a Different Type of Bread for the Banh Mi?

Yes, you can use different types of bread for the banh mi. Consider bread alternatives for a unique taste comparison. Gluten-free options can offer texture variations. Experiment with various breads to find your favorite combination.

How Long Can the Pickled Vegetables Be Stored For?

You’ll be pleased to know that pickled vegetables can last for up to 2 weeks when stored in an airtight container in the fridge. The longer they sit, the more the flavors meld, creating delightful taste variations.

What Are Some Creative Protein Filling Alternatives?

For creative protein filling alternatives in your Vietnamese Bread Rolls, consider flavorful vegetarian options like marinated tofu, crispy tempeh, or seasoned seitan. Experiment with delicious flavor combinations using herbs, sauces, and pickled veggies.

Can I Make the Bread Dough in Advance and Freeze It?

Yes, you can make the bread dough in advance and freeze it for later use. When preparing the dough ahead, make sure it’s well-wrapped to prevent freezer burn. When ready to bake, allow the dough to thaw and rise before baking as usual.

Are There Any Vegan Options for This Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe?

Incorporate plant-based proteins like tofu or tempeh for vegan protein fillings in your Vietnamese bread rolls. Explore gluten-free bread options for dietary preferences. Embrace the richness of flavors and textures in your culinary journey.

Conclusion-Vietnamese Bread Roll Recipe

Congratulations on creating your own delicious banh mi sandwich! Your taste buds will thank you for the explosion of flavors from the pickled vegetables, savory protein filling, and fluffy bread roll.

Share your culinary masterpiece with friends and family to spread the joy of this Vietnamese classic. Remember, the secret ingredient is always love (and maybe a little extra sriracha)!

Enjoy every bite and savor the satisfaction of making something truly amazing in your own kitchen. Cheers to your banh mi success!

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