Sangak Bread Recipe

Sangak Bread Recipe

To make Sangak bread, combine whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and water, ensuring top-quality ingredients for the best results. Knead the dough well, allowing it to rise for excellent flavor and texture. Shape the dough into ovals, then roll it evenly to the desired thickness. Pay attention to details like precise cutting before baking it on a special stone for a crispy crust. Achieving the perfect Sangak involves mastering each step, from preparation to serving, for a delightful culinary experience that balances crispy exterior and fluffy interior. Mastering the art of Sangak Bread Recipe will lead you to a flavorful journey through Persian cuisine.

Key Takeaways

Ingredients Needed for Sangak Bread Recipe

To craft the perfect Sangak Bread, gather the essential ingredients, such as whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and water. Bread baking enthusiasts know that the quality of ingredients can make all the difference in the final product. In Persian cuisine, Sangak Bread holds a special place as a traditional flatbread with a unique texture and flavor.

Whole wheat flour, a staple in Persian bread-making, provides the base for Sangak Bread, giving it a wholesome and nutty taste. Yeast is essential for the fermentation process, allowing the dough to rise and develop its characteristic airy structure. A pinch of salt enhances the flavor profile, balancing the sweetness of the wheat with a subtle savory touch. Water, the simplest yet most essential component, binds the ingredients together, forming a workable dough.

Each ingredient plays a critical role in the alchemy of bread baking, transforming humble components into a delicious staple of Persian cuisine. As you gather these simple yet essential elements, you’re one step closer to mastering the art of making Sangak Bread at home.

Steps to Prepare Sangak Bread Dough

Begin by blending the whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and water until a smooth and elastic dough forms. Here are the next steps you need to follow to prepare your Sangak bread dough:

  1. Kneading Technique: Once the ingredients are combined, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Use the heel of your hand to push the dough away from you, then fold it back over itself. Rotate the dough a quarter turn and repeat this process. Continue kneading for about 10-15 minutes until the dough is smooth and slightly tacky.
  2. Rising Time: Place the kneaded dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm, draft-free place for about 1-1.5 hours or until it has doubled in size. This step is essential for the development of flavor and texture.
  3. Dough Consistency and Baking Temperature: After the dough has risen, gently punch it down to release the air. Shape it into a long oval and place it on a baking sheet. Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C) to make sure it’s adequately hot for baking the Sangak bread later on.

Rolling Out and Shaping the Bread

Now it’s time to hone in on the art of perfecting your Sangak bread.

Start by rolling out the dough evenly, ensuring a uniform thickness.

Next, shape the dough into neat rectangles before cutting it into individual pieces.

This step sets the foundation for the final product, so pay attention to detail and precision in your rolling and shaping process.

Rolling Dough Evenly

For achieving consistent thickness, softly press and stretch the dough using your hands before rolling it out with a rolling pin. Here are three key tips for rolling dough evenly:

  1. Room Temperature Dough: Make sure your dough is at room temperature before rolling it out. Cold dough will resist rolling and might lead to uneven thickness.
  2. Gentle Pressure: Apply even, light pressure while rolling the dough. Start from the center and work your way outwards to maintain uniform thickness throughout.
  3. Rotate and Flip: Turn the dough periodically as you roll it out to prevent sticking and ensure an even shape. Turning the dough and lightly dusting the surface can also help in achieving consistent thickness.
Sangak Bread Recipe
Sangak Bread Recipe

Shaping Into Rectangles

After achieving a consistent thickness by rolling the dough evenly, the next step is to shape it into rectangles for the Sangak bread. This process is important to guarantee even baking and a consistent appearance of the final product. When shaping the dough, pay attention to its texture to prevent any uneven spots that may impact the baking process. Once you have the dough in a rectangular shape, it is essential to take into account the baking temperature. Sangak bread traditionally requires a high baking temperature to achieve the characteristic crispy crust while keeping the inside soft and fluffy. Below is a simple table to summarize the key points for shaping the dough into rectangles:

Key Points for Shaping 
Check Dough TextureEnsure Evenness
Consider Baking TemperatureMaintain Uniform Shape

Cutting Into Pieces

Would you like to explore a creative and precise method for cutting the dough into perfect pieces and shaping the Sangak bread with finesse? Here are three essential steps to help you master the art of bread slicing and presentation:

  1. Precision Cutting: After rolling out the dough into rectangles, use a sharp knife to cut it into smaller, equally sized pieces. This accuracy guarantees even baking and a professional finish to your artisanal bread.
  2. Aesthetic Shaping: Gently shape each piece of dough into elongated rectangles, paying attention to smooth edges and uniform thickness. This step contributes to the overall aesthetics of the final Sangak bread.
  3. Final Touches: Before baking, make sure to arrange the shaped pieces on a baking sheet with adequate spacing for proper rising and baking. This attention to detail enhances the presentation of your homemade Sangak bread.

Baking the Sangak Bread on a Special Stone

To achieve the distinctive texture and flavor of Sangak bread, consider using a special stone for baking. Stone baking techniques are vital for creating the traditional crispy crust and chewy interior of Sangak bread. The stone effectively absorbs moisture from the dough, resulting in better heat distribution during baking. This process enhances crust development, giving the bread its characteristic appearance and taste.

Before placing the dough on the stone, it’s important to score the bread. Bread scoring involves creating shallow cuts on the surface of the dough, allowing it to expand evenly during baking. This technique not only helps control the bread’s rise but also adds an aesthetic touch to the final product.

When the scored Sangak bread is placed on the preheated stone, the heat is transferred quickly to the dough, promoting steam release and creating that sought-after crispy crust. The stone’s high heat retention ensures a consistent temperature throughout the baking process, resulting in a perfectly baked Sangak bread with a delightful texture and flavor.

Sangak Bread Recipe

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: Main CourseCuisine: Iranian, PersianDifficulty: Intermediate


Prep time


Cooking time


per serving Calories



A traditional Iranian flatbread, Sangak Bread, is made with whole wheat flour and typically baked on a bed of small stones. It's known for its chewy texture and unique appearance, often served with various accompaniments like cheese or herbs.


  • Whole wheat flour

  • Water

  • Yeast

  • Salt

  • Sesame seeds (optional)


  • Mix whole wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt in a bowl to form a dough.
  • Knead the dough until smooth and elastic.
  • Divide the dough into portions and roll each portion into a thin oval shape.
  • Place the dough onto a preheated oven stone or baking sheet.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds on top if desired.
  • Bake the bread until golden brown and cooked through.
  • Serve warm with your favorite accompaniments. Enjoy your homemade Sangak Bread!

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Crust

For a perfect crust on your Sangak bread, consider adjusting the baking time and temperature based on your oven’s performance. Achieving the ideal crust texture requires attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you get that crispy exterior just right:

  1. Crust Texture: To achieve a crust that’s crispy on the outside while still maintaining a chewy texture inside, make sure that you preheat your oven properly. The initial blast of high heat is vital for setting the crust quickly and creating that sought-after contrast in texture.
  2. Baking Temperature: Experiment with different baking temperatures to find the sweet spot for your Sangak bread. A higher temperature can help in creating a more robust crust, but be careful not to burn it. Conversely, a lower temperature might result in a softer crust, so finding the balance that works for your oven is key.
  3. Monitor Closely: Keep a close eye on your bread while it bakes. Adjust the temperature or baking time as needed to prevent over or undercooking, which can affect the crust’s texture. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you achieve your desired crust perfection.

Serving and Enjoying Freshly Baked Sangak

When serving and enjoying freshly baked Sangak, make sure to relish the warm, crispy crust alongside the fragrant, tender crumb for a delightful culinary experience. The perfect bread pairing for Sangak is with creamy hummus, tangy tzatziki, or a variety of Mediterranean dips. The crispy exterior of the Sangak complements the creamy textures of these dips, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

For those who prefer a sweeter option, try topping your Sangak with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The combination of the slightly sweet bread with the aromatic spices and honey creates a decadent treat that’s perfect for breakfast or dessert. You can also experiment with savory toppings like olive tapenade, roasted vegetables, or feta cheese to enhance the already rich flavors of the Sangak.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Sangak Bread Be Made Without a Special Stone for Baking?

Yes, you can make sangak bread without a special stone for baking. Consider using a baking steel or pizza stone as alternative baking methods. Traditional toppings like sesame seeds can enhance flavor. Homemade sangak offers freshness compared to store-bought options.

How Long Does Sangak Bread Stay Fresh for After Baking?

After baking, Sangak bread stays fresh for 2-3 days if stored in a paper bag at room temperature. To extend its shelf life, wrap it in a towel and place it in a plastic bag. Reheat before serving for best taste.

Can Sangak Bread Dough Be Frozen for Later Use?

When prepping Sangak bread dough, freeze it for later like a chef saving treasure for another day. The freezing process preserves its essence. Guarantee proper dough preparation to maintain its quality and freshness.

Can Different Types of Flour Be Used in the Sangak Bread Recipe?

Yes, you can use various flour alternatives like whole wheat or spelt in the sangak bread recipe. Experimenting with different types can enhance flavors and textures. Adjust baking techniques accordingly for best results and enjoy the process!

Is It Possible to Make Gluten-Free Sangak Bread?

Yes, you can make gluten-free sangak bread by using alternative flours like rice or millet. While deviating from traditional methods, baking techniques can be adjusted to maintain its cultural significance. Enjoy the process!

Conclusion-Sangak Bread RecipeSangak Bread Recipe

Now that your freshly baked sangak bread is ready, it’s time to enjoy this delicious Persian treat! Like a warm hug from the oven, each bite of this crispy yet chewy bread will transport you to the bustling streets of Iran.

So gather your loved ones, tear off a piece, and savor the taste of tradition in every mouthful. Embrace the flavors and warmth of homemade sangak bread like a cherished memory.

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