Calabrese Bread Recipe

calabrese bread recipe

Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey that will set your taste buds free? Look no further than this Calabrese Bread Recipe, where the dough becomes a canvas for your creativity.

Just like a wild stallion running through open fields, this bread will unleash your inner baker and transport you to a place of pure bliss.

With simple ingredients and a little bit of love, you’ll mix and proof the dough, shaping it into a masterpiece that will tantalize your senses.

And when it emerges from the oven, golden and aromatic, you’ll savor every bite, celebrating the freedom to create something truly extraordinary.

Get ready to experience the joy of baking with this Calabrese Bread Recipe.

calabrese bread recipe
calabrese bread recipe

Key Takeaways


To make Calabrese bread, you’ll need a few key ingredients. The beauty of bread-making lies in its versatility, as there are countless types of bread recipes to explore. Whether you prefer a classic white loaf or a hearty whole wheat bread, the possibilities are endless.

When it comes to making bread rise properly, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, ensure that your yeast is fresh and active. This will provide the necessary leavening power for your bread. Second, allow your dough to rise in a warm and draft-free environment. This will encourage the yeast to ferment and produce carbon dioxide, resulting in a light and airy texture.

Mixing the Dough

Now that you have gathered your ingredients and followed the tips for proper bread rising, it’s time to mix the dough. Here are some simple steps to help you achieve the perfect dough consistency:

  1. Combine the dry ingredients: In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, and yeast together. Make sure to evenly distribute the ingredients for a well-balanced dough.
  2. Add the wet ingredients: Slowly pour in the warm water and olive oil. Use your hands or a wooden spoon to mix everything together. The dough should start to come together, but it may be sticky at first.
  3. Knead the dough: Transfer the dough onto a clean, floured surface. Use your hands to knead the dough, pushing and folding it over itself. This helps develop the gluten and creates a smooth, elastic texture.

Troubleshooting common dough mixing problems:

With these kneading techniques and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to mix the dough with confidence and create delicious Calabrese bread.

Enjoy the freedom of baking your own homemade bread!

Proofing the Dough

After mixing the dough, it’s important to allow it to proof for optimal results. Proofing is the process of allowing the dough to rise before baking. There are different proofing methods used in bread making, each with its own benefits.

The most common method is the traditional bulk fermentation, where the dough is left to rise in a covered bowl at room temperature. This method allows the yeast to ferment the dough slowly, resulting in a more flavorful bread.

Another method is the cold proofing, which involves placing the dough in the refrigerator overnight. This method slows down the fermentation process, resulting in a more complex flavor and improved texture.

During the proofing process, it’s important to troubleshoot common issues that may arise. One common issue is under-proofing, where the dough hasn’t risen enough. To fix this, simply give the dough more time to rise.

On the other hand, over-proofing can occur when the dough has risen too much, resulting in a collapsed and dense bread. To prevent this, make sure to monitor the dough closely and bake it as soon as it has doubled in size.

calabrese bread recipe

Shaping the Bread

Once the dough has finished proofing, shape it into the desired form for baking. Shaping the bread is an important step in achieving a beautifully baked loaf. Here are some different bread shaping techniques to try:

  1. Round: To shape your bread into a round loaf, gently flatten the dough and fold the edges towards the center. Rotate the dough as you go, creating tension on the surface. Finally, flip the dough seam-side down and let it rest.
  2. Batard: For a batard-shaped loaf, start by flattening the dough into a rectangle. Fold one side towards the center, then fold the other side over the first fold. Roll the dough tightly from one end to the other, creating a log shape.
  3. Baguette: To shape a baguette, flatten the dough into a rectangle. Starting from one end, tightly roll the dough, pinching the seam to seal it. Gently taper the ends to create the classic baguette shape.

Tips for achieving a perfectly shaped loaf:

Enjoy the freedom of shaping your bread and creating beautiful, delicious loaves!

Calabrese Bread Recipe

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: BakingCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Intermediate


Prep time


Cooking time





This Calabrese bread recipe falls under the baking category, specifically bread-making. It is rooted in Italian cuisine, known for its rustic and hearty characteristics. The difficulty level is considered intermediate due to the yeast-based dough preparation and the need for some familiarity with the bread-making process. While the recipe is not overly complex, it requires attention to details such as yeast activation, kneading, and proper rising times. With a bit of experience in bread-making, this recipe can be a rewarding culinary endeavor.


  • 4 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

  • 1 1/2 cups warm water (about 110°F/43°C)

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • Cornmeal or flour for dusting


  • In a small bowl, combine the warm water and yeast. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy. This indicates that the yeast is active.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Make a well in the center and pour in the activated yeast mixture and olive oil.
  • Mix the ingredients together until a dough forms. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes or until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Place the kneaded dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-1.5 hours, or until it has doubled in size.
  • Once the dough has risen, punch it down to release any air bubbles. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and shape it into a round or oval loaf.
  • Place the shaped dough on a baking sheet dusted with cornmeal or flour. Cover it with the kitchen towel and let it rise for an additional 30-45 minutes.
  • Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  • Before placing the dough in the oven, you can slash the top with a sharp knife to allow for even rising. Bake for about 25-30 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
  • Allow the Calabrese bread to cool on a wire rack before slicing.

Baking and Enjoying

To bake and enjoy your Calabrese bread, preheat your oven to the specified temperature. Baking techniques play a crucial role in achieving that perfect loaf.

For a crispy crust, place a shallow pan filled with water on the bottom rack of your oven. This will create steam and give your bread a delightful crunch. As the bread bakes, you’ll be greeted with the enticing aroma of freshly baked bread filling your kitchen. The golden brown color and crusty exterior will make your mouth water in anticipation.

Once the bread is baked, let it cool on a wire rack before slicing into it.

Now, let’s talk about flavor variations. You can add different ingredients like olives, sun-dried tomatoes, or herbs to create unique and personalized variations of Calabrese bread. So go ahead, unleash your creativity in the kitchen and enjoy the delicious results of your baking adventure.

Nutrition facts

  • Calories: Approximately 107.5
  • Total Fat: 1g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.1g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 146.25mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 21.7g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0.8g
  • Sugars: 0.1g
  • Protein: 3.2g

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take for the Bread to Cool Down After Baking?

After baking, it’s important to let your bread cool down for at least 30 minutes. This allows the moisture to redistribute and prevents it from becoming soggy. Proper storage techniques for fresh bread include wrapping it in a clean kitchen towel or placing it in a paper bag to maintain its crustiness.

Can I Substitute All-Purpose Flour With Whole Wheat Flour in This Recipe?

Yes, you can substitute all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour in bread recipes. Whole wheat flour has more nutrients and fiber, but it can make the bread denser. Experiment to find the balance you prefer.

Can I Use Instant Yeast Instead of Active Dry Yeast?

You can definitely use instant yeast instead of active dry yeast in different bread recipes. It’s a convenient substitute that saves time and still gives you the same great results.

How Long Can I Store the Calabrese Bread For?

You can store Calabrese bread for up to 2-3 days, but it’s best to consume it within the first day for optimal freshness. To extend its shelf life, store it in a paper bag or bread box to maintain its texture and flavor.

Can I Freeze the Dough and Bake It Later?

Yes, you can freeze the dough and bake it later! This gives you the freedom to store bread for longer periods and have fresh-baked goodness whenever you want. Extend the shelf life and savor the taste.

calabrese bread recipe

Can I Use the Calabrese Bread Recipe to Make High Fiber Bread?

Yes, you can use the Calabrese bread recipe to make high fiber bread. By adding whole wheat flour, oats, nuts, and seeds, you can turn a traditional bread recipe into a fiber rich bread recipe that not only tastes delicious but also provides added health benefits.


In just a few easy steps, you can create a warm and hearty calabrese bread that will transport you to the rolling hills of Italy.

Mix the dough with love and let it rise to perfection, then shape it with your hands, molding it like a work of art.

Finally, bake it to a golden crust and savor the delicious aroma that fills your kitchen.

With each bite, you’ll be transported to a place where bread is more than just food—it’s a taste of pure bliss.

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