Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Looking for the ultimate way to enjoy your favorite soups and stews? Ever wondered if you could make your own bread bowls at home? Well, look no further!

With the Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur, you can become the reigning champion of bread bowl mastery. Who needs store-bought when you can create your own delicious, golden-brown bread bowls that are perfect for holding all your hearty creations?

This recipe is designed for those who appreciate the freedom to experiment and customize their meals. So, get ready to roll up your sleeves, knead some dough, and embark on a culinary adventure that will leave you craving more.

Let’s dive into the world of Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur and discover the joy of homemade bread bowls.

Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur
Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Key Takeaways

The Perfect Bread Dough

To achieve the perfect bread dough, start by kneading the ingredients together until they form a smooth and elastic texture. Kneading is a crucial step in bread making as it helps activate the yeast and develop the gluten, giving the bread its desired texture and structure.

When kneading, use the heel of your hand to push the dough away from you, then fold it back over itself and repeat. This process helps distribute the yeast evenly throughout the dough, ensuring a consistent rise. As you knead, you’ll notice the dough becoming smoother and more elastic, a sign that the gluten is developing.

Take your time and be patient, as proper kneading techniques will result in a light and airy bread.

Now that you have achieved the perfect bread dough, it’s time to move on to shaping and baking the bread bowls.

Shaping and Baking the Bread Bowls

Once you have achieved the perfect bread dough, it’s time for you to shape and bake the bread bowls.

After the dough has finished rising, gently punch it down to release any air bubbles. Divide the dough into equal portions, shaping each piece into a round ball. Place the dough balls on a parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving enough space between them to allow for expansion.

Cover the dough balls with a clean kitchen towel and let them rise for another 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Once the dough balls have risen, brush them with melted butter to enhance the flavor and promote browning.

Bake the bread bowls for about 20 minutes, or until they’re golden brown and have a hollow sound when tapped on the bottom. Once they’ve cooled slightly, you can fill them with your favorite bread bowl toppings, such as soup, chili, or a creamy dip.

Enjoy the freedom to customize your bread bowls to your liking!

Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Filling Options for Your Bread Bowls

You can easily customize your bread bowls by filling them with a variety of delicious options. Here are some ideas to get your taste buds tingling:

Tips and Tricks for Success

When filling your bread bowls with delicious options, there are a few tips and tricks that can help ensure your success. First and foremost, make sure to activate your yeast properly. Dissolve it in warm water with a pinch of sugar and let it sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes frothy. This step is crucial for achieving a light and airy bread bowl.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different bread bowl variations. You can try using whole wheat flour for a healthier option or adding herbs and spices to the dough for extra flavor. You can also shape the dough into smaller individual bread bowls or larger ones for sharing. The possibilities are endless!

To make it easier for you to remember these tips, here’s a handy table:

Yeast ActivationDissolve yeast in warm water with sugar and let it sit until frothy.
Bread Bowl VariationsExperiment with different types of flour, herbs, spices, and sizes for a personalized touch.

Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: Appetizers, SidesCuisine: European, BakingDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time





Embark on a culinary journey fit for royalty with our King Arthur Bread Bowl Recipe. Inspired by the legendary tales of King Arthur, these regal bread bowls bring a touch of elegance to your dining table. Experience the enchantment of crafting and savoring these majestic bread bowls that transcend ordinary dining into a kingly feast.


  • 4 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour

  • 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoons salt

  • 1/2 cups warm water

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • Optional: Egg wash for a golden finish


  • In a bowl, dissolve sugar in warm water and add yeast. Let it sit for 5 minutes until frothy.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine King Arthur flour and salt.
  • Make a well in the center and pour in the yeast mixture.
  • Mix until a dough forms, then knead on a floured surface for 8-10 minutes until smooth.
  • Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover, and let it rise in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
  • Punch down the dough, divide it, and shape into round bowls.
  • Place on a baking sheet, cover, and let rise for another 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven, brush with egg wash, and bake until golden brown.

Serving and Enjoying Your Homemade Bread Bowls

To fully enjoy your homemade bread bowls, it’s important to consider the various ways you can serve and savor them. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Gluten-Free Flour for This Bread Bowl Recipe?

You can definitely use gluten-free flour for this bread bowl recipe! It’s a great way to adapt the recipe for different dietary restrictions. Enjoy the freedom to make delicious bread bowls that everyone can enjoy.

How Do I Store Leftover Bread Bowls?

Wondering how to store those delicious bread bowls? Don’t worry, you’ve got options! Simply wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or place them in an airtight container. And hey, have you ever thought about repurposing them for some tasty croutons or bread pudding?

Can I Freeze the Bread Bowls for Later Use?

Yes, you can freeze your bread bowls for later use. Simply wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or place them in a freezer bag, and they’ll stay fresh. When you’re ready to enjoy them, just thaw and reheat in the oven.

Can I Use a Bread Machine to Make the Dough for the Bread Bowls?

Sure, you can totally use a bread machine to make the dough for your bread bowls! It’s a convenient way to knead and rise the dough. Plus, you can even experiment with alternative ingredients for gluten-free bread bowls. Enjoy the freedom of homemade bread!

Can I Make Mini Bread Bowls Instead of Regular-Sized Ones?

You can definitely make mini bread bowls instead of regular-sized ones. It’s a fun and creative alternative that allows for more variety in fillings. Get ready to fill those little bread bowls with all sorts of deliciousness!

Bread Bowl Recipe King Arthur

Can I Use the Buttermilk Bread Recipe from King Arthur to Make a Bread Bowl?

Yes, you can use the buttermilk bread recipe from King Arthur to make a bread bowl. Simply follow the recipe as directed, then shape the dough into a round loaf with a hollowed-out center to create a perfect vessel for soups, dips, or chili. Enjoy the delicious aroma and flavor of buttermilk bread.


Get ready to revolutionize your soup-eating experience with these incredible homemade bread bowls from King Arthur.

Say goodbye to plain old bowls and say hello to a vessel that’s as delicious as the soup itself.

With a perfect dough, easy shaping and baking, and endless filling options, you’ll be the envy of all your friends.

So why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary?

Dive into the world of bread bowls and elevate your soup game to new heights.

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