Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe

Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe

If you’re eager for a burst of flavors, immerse yourself in crafting your own bread and butter pickled cucumber recipe. Combine white vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, turmeric, and celery seeds for a zesty brine. Slice cucumbers thinly to intensify the pickling process. Layer them neatly in a sterilized jar with onions. Let the brine work its magic, enhancing the texture and taste. Delight in the sweet and tangy notes of these pickles that will take your dishes to the next level. Mastering this recipe will surely impress your taste buds with each crunchy bite. Enjoy the journey of culinary exploration!

Key Takeaways

Ingredients Needed

To create this delightful Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber recipe, gather the following essential ingredients. For pickling techniques, you’ll need white vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, turmeric, and celery seeds. These ingredients will infuse your cucumbers with a tangy and sweet flavor that’s characteristic of bread and butter pickles. To add some flavor variations, consider including red pepper flakes for a bit of heat or dill for a more traditional taste.

When it comes to cucumber slicing, opt for thinly sliced cucumbers to make sure they absorb the pickling brine effectively. The thickness of the slices can impact the overall texture and taste of your pickles. Additionally, choosing the right jar is important for successful pickling. Make sure to select a clean, sterilized glass jar that can be securely sealed to keep your pickles fresh.

Preparation Steps

For successful pickling of your cucumbers in the Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber recipe, the next step involves preparing the pickling brine with the gathered ingredients. To kickstart the pickling process, begin by combining white vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, turmeric, and other flavor-infusing spices in a saucepan. Heat the mixture until the sugar completely dissolves, creating a fragrant brine that will elevate the taste of your cucumbers.

Now, it’s time to focus on the cucumbers themselves. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, then proceed to slice them into uniform rounds or spears, depending on your preference. The slicing not only helps with the flavor absorption but also makes for an attractive final product.

Once the cucumbers are sliced, take your sterilized jars and start arranging them snugly in the jars, along with thinly sliced onions for an extra kick of flavor. Proper jar arrangement guarantees that the cucumbers pickle evenly and efficiently.

With the brine ready and cucumbers prepared, the next step will be to explore the brining process to complete your delicious Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumbers.

Brining the Cucumbers

Now, immerse yourself in the exciting process of infusing your cucumbers with the delectable brine for your Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumbers. Brining your cucumbers before pickling serves two main purposes. To begin with, brining benefits the overall texture of the cucumbers, making them deliciously crisp. Additionally, it kickstarts the flavor infusion process, ensuring that each bite bursts with a perfect balance of sweet and tangy notes.

To start the brining process, slice your cucumbers to your desired thickness and place them in a large bowl. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt over the cucumbers, mix well, cover the bowl, and let them sit for about 1 to 2 hours. This time frame allows the salt to draw out excess moisture from the cucumbers, resulting in a crisper final product. Some brining techniques recommend weighing down the cucumbers with a plate to further aid in water extraction.

Making the Pickling Liquid

Now, let’s get started on making the pickling liquid for your bread and butter pickled cucumbers.

Gather your ingredients – vinegar, sugar, and spices – to create a flavorful brine.

Heat the pickling liquid on the stove until the sugar dissolves completely, then remember to let it cool before pouring it over your cucumbers for that perfect crunch and tanginess.

Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe
Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe

Ingredients for Pickling

Consider mixing together the essential ingredients for creating the flavorful pickling liquid in this Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber recipe.

When it comes to pickling techniques, the balance of sweet and tangy flavors is key. Opt for a cucumber variety like pickling cucumbers for their firm texture.

For a twist in flavor profiles, experiment with different vinegar options such as apple cider vinegar for a milder taste or white vinegar for a sharper kick. Don’t be afraid to add in spices like mustard seeds, celery seeds, and turmeric to enhance the overall taste.

Heating Pickling Liquid

To infuse your pickling liquid with robust flavors, gently heat the mixture on the stovetop until the ingredients meld together harmoniously. This heating process is important in pickling techniques as it helps to dissolve the sugar and salt, intensifying the flavors. Heating also guarantees that the spices release their aromatic oils, enhancing the overall taste of your pickled cucumbers. Remember not to let the liquid boil; a gentle simmer is all that’s needed to marry the flavors perfectly. Here’s a table to guide you through the heating process:

Heating Pickling Liquid
1. Heat gently on stovetop
2. Do not let it boil
3. Allow flavors to meld
4. Ensure sugar and salt dissolve
5. Spice oils release

Cooling Before Adding

After heating your pickling liquid to develop rich flavors, it’s important to cool it completely before adding it to your cucumbers to ensure the ideal infusion of taste. This process allows the flavors to meld together perfectly, enhancing the overall taste of your pickled cucumbers.

Cooling the liquid also helps in preserving the crunchy texture of the cucumbers, ensuring they maintain their crispness throughout the pickling process. By cooling the liquid before adding it to the cucumbers, you’re giving the ingredients time to marry and create a harmonious blend of flavors.

This step is essential for achieving delicious bread and butter pickled cucumbers with a perfect balance of tanginess and sweetness.

Pickling the Cucumbers

Now it’s time to bring your pickling game to the next level! To achieve those flavorful pickles, make sure to prepare a well-balanced pickling brine that will infuse your cucumbers with delicious taste.

Properly preparing your cucumbers by slicing them evenly and ensuring they’re fresh will result in the best pickled outcome.

Remember to allow for the right duration for pickling, as this will determine the final texture and flavor of your bread and butter pickled cucumbers.

Flavorful Pickling Brine

For creating a tangy and flavorful pickling brine to pickle the cucumbers, start by combining vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices in a large saucepan over medium heat.

Here’s how you can make your pickling process exciting and delicious:

  1. Experiment with Different Vinegars: Try apple cider vinegar for a slightly sweet tang or white vinegar for a sharper flavor.
  2. Play with Sugar Varieties: Brown sugar can add depth while honey brings a natural sweetness to the brine.
  3. Customize Your Spice Blend: Add mustard seeds for a pop of flavor or red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.
  4. Adjust Salt Levels: Fine-tune the saltiness to suit your taste preferences.

These simple tweaks can elevate your pickling game to new heights!

Proper Cucumber Preparation

To ensure your cucumbers are perfectly prepared for pickling, begin by thoroughly washing and slicing them to your desired thickness. Proper cucumber slicing is essential for the success of your pickling endeavor. The thickness of the slices will impact the texture and flavor of your pickles. Here are some common pickling techniques for cucumber preparation:

Pickling TechniqueDescriptionBenefits
Slice ThinDelicate texture and quick picklingCrisp and tangy pickles
Slice ThickRobust crunch and longer pickling timeBold flavor development
Leave Skin OnAdds color and textureSaves time peeling

Experiment with these techniques to find the perfect cucumber preparation method that suits your taste preferences.

Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe

Recipe by Jennifer LaneCourse: Appetizer, CondimentCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


per serving Calories



This classic Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe offers a delightful blend of sweet and tangy flavors. Quick to prepare, it involves slicing cucumbers, onions, and peppers, then marinating them in a vinegar-based solution with sugar and spices, resulting in a perfect accompaniment to sandwiches or salads.


  • 4 medium cucumbers, thinly sliced

  • 1 onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 bell pepper, thinly sliced

  • 1 cup white vinegar

  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds

  • 1 teaspoon celery seeds

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  • In a large bowl, combine cucumbers, onions, and bell peppers.
  • In a saucepan, heat white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, turmeric, and salt over medium heat until the sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally.
  • Pour the vinegar mixture over the cucumber mixture in the bowl. Stir to combine.
  • Let the mixture sit at room temperature for 1 hour.
  • Transfer the mixture to sterilized jars, ensuring the cucumbers are submerged in the liquid.
  • Seal the jars and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving.
  • Enjoy your homemade Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumbers with your favorite dishes!

Duration for Pickling

To achieve the desired taste and texture of your pickled cucumbers, make sure to let them soak in the brine for at least 24 hours before sampling. Here are some tips to guarantee your cucumbers are perfectly pickled:

  1. Pickling Techniques: Experiment with different pickling methods like fermentation or quick pickling to find your favorite.
  2. Preservation Methods: Consider canning your pickles for long-term storage or simply refrigerate them for a shorter shelf life.
  3. Seasonal Produce: Use fresh, seasonal cucumbers for the best flavor and crunch in your pickles.
  4. Recipe Variations: Get creative with your pickling spices and add-ins to customize your pickles to suit your taste preferences.

Storing and Serving Suggestions

Consider incorporating these suggestions to enhance the storage and presentation of your Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumbers.

For storing, make sure your pickled cucumbers are tightly sealed in jars and kept in the refrigerator. This will help preserve their crunchiness and flavor for up to a month. If you prefer a longer shelf life, you can also look into preservation techniques such as canning.

When serving your pickled cucumbers, think about different pickling variations like adding spices such as mustard seeds or red pepper flakes to create unique flavor combinations. These variations can elevate the taste profile of your cucumbers and make them stand out on a charcuterie board or as a side dish.

Additionally, pay attention to serving presentation – consider serving them in a decorative glass jar or a rustic wooden bowl to enhance their visual appeal. By experimenting with different preservation methods and flavor combinations, you can truly make your Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumbers a delightful addition to any meal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Apple Cider Vinegar Instead of White Vinegar?

Vinegar options vary, so using apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar is a great choice. It will add a slightly different flavor to your pickled cucumbers, providing a unique twist to your dish. Flavor alternatives are always fun to explore!

How Long Do the Pickles Need to Sit Before Eating?

After quick pickling, let the pickles sit for at least 24 hours for best flavor. Do a pickle taste test to see if they’re to your liking. Enjoy experimenting with different quick pickling techniques to find your perfect combo.

Can I Substitute Sugar With a Sugar Alternative?

If you’re considering sugar alternatives, know that taste comparison is key. Some can mimic sugar closely, but each has unique flavors. Experiment to find what suits you best. Your pickles could surprise!

Are There Any Variations to This Classic Recipe?

Looking to jazz up the classic recipe? Experiment with flavor combos like adding dill or jalapeños. Try spiralizing cucumbers for a unique presentation. Substitute white vinegar with apple cider vinegar for a twist. Enjoy pickling!

How Long Will the Pickles Last in the Refrigerator?

When it comes to pickle storage, the refrigerator shelf life can vary. On average, homemade pickles like bread and butter pickled cucumbers can last for about 1-2 months in the fridge. Enjoy them while they’re fresh!

Conclusion-Bread and Butter Pickled Cucumber Recipe

To wrap up, this bread and butter pickled cucumber recipe is a delicious and easy way to preserve cucumbers for a tasty snack or side dish.

Some may worry about the pickling process being time-consuming, but the brining step actually helps speed up the pickling process.

So don’t let that stop you from trying out this recipe and enjoying the tangy and sweet flavors of these pickles!

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