Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe

Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe

Imagine waking up to the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread, its golden crust begging to be toasted and slathered with butter. With our Amish English Muffin Bread recipe, you can experience this morning bliss in the comfort of your own kitchen.

This simple and versatile recipe will guide you through the steps to create fluffy and flavorful bread that pairs perfectly with your favorite spreads. Get ready to savor the freedom of homemade goodness.

Key Takeaways

Ingredients for Amish English Muffin Bread

To make this delicious Amish English Muffin Bread, you’ll need a few simple ingredients. This homemade bread recipe requires 5 cups of all-purpose flour, 2 packages of active dry yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and 2 cups of warm milk.

These ingredients come together to create a soft and chewy bread with a delightful tang. The yeast gives it a lovely rise, while the addition of baking soda adds that familiar English muffin texture. The sugar and salt enhance the flavor, making every bite a true delight.

With these basic pantry staples, you can easily whip up a loaf of Amish English Muffin Bread that will impress even the most discerning bread lovers.

Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe
Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Amish English Muffin Bread

To begin making Amish English Muffin Bread, gather all of your ingredients and make sure you have everything ready to go.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for making this delicious bread:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the warm water, yeast, and sugar. Let it sit for about 5 minutes until the yeast is foamy.
  2. Add the flour, salt, and baking soda to the yeast mixture. Stir until well combined and a sticky dough forms.
  3. Grease two loaf pans and divide the dough equally between them. Smooth the tops with a spatula.
  4. Cover the pans with a clean kitchen towel and let the dough rise in a warm place for about an hour, or until it has doubled in size.
  5. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and bake the bread for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.
  6. Remove the loaves from the pans and let them cool on a wire rack before slicing.
  7. Common mistakes when making Amish English Muffin Bread include over-kneading the dough and not letting it rise enough.
  8. Serve this delicious bread toasted with butter, jam, or your favorite spreads. It also makes a great base for sandwiches or French toast. Enjoy!

Tips for Perfectly Toasted Amish English Muffin Bread

For perfectly toasted Amish English Muffin Bread, follow these simple tips.

Achieving the ideal texture begins with slicing the bread evenly, about 1/2 inch thick. This ensures even toasting and a satisfying crunch.

Preheat your toaster or oven to a medium-high setting to get that golden brown color. Place the slices in a single layer, allowing the heat to circulate evenly.

Keep an eye on the bread as it toasts, flipping it halfway through for an even result. If you prefer a softer texture, toast it for a shorter time.

Once toasted, you can enjoy it as is or get creative with leftover Amish English Muffin Bread. Use it to make French toast, croutons for salads, or as a base for delicious sandwiches.

The possibilities are endless!

Variations and Additions for Amish English Muffin Bread

Get creative with your Amish English Muffin Bread by trying out different variations and additions. Here are three ideas to elevate your bread to the next level:

  1. Savory Herb: Add a burst of flavor by mixing in dried herbs like rosemary, thyme, or oregano. The aromatic herbs will infuse your bread with a delightful savory note, perfect for pairing with soups or as a base for gourmet sandwiches.
  2. Sweet and Nutty: For a touch of sweetness, add chopped nuts and dried fruits to your dough. Walnuts, raisins, and dried cranberries work wonderfully in creating a delightful texture and taste. This variation is perfect for a breakfast treat or afternoon snack.
  3. Cheesy Delight: Add a cheesy twist to your Amish English Muffin Bread by incorporating grated cheddar or Parmesan cheese into the dough. The melted cheese will create pockets of gooey goodness, making it an ideal accompaniment to a bowl of tomato soup or a charcuterie board.

Experiment with these creative additions to personalize your Amish English Muffin Bread and enjoy the freedom of culinary exploration!

Storing and Freezing Amish English Muffin Bread

If you want to keep your Amish English Muffin Bread fresh for longer, store it in an airtight container. This will help prevent it from drying out and losing its delicious texture. Make sure to place the bread in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

The airtight container will also protect the bread from absorbing any odors or flavors from other foods in your pantry.

When it comes to freezing the Amish English Muffin Bread, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing it in a freezer-safe bag or container. This will help preserve its freshness and prevent freezer burn.

To thaw the bread, simply leave it at room temperature until it’s completely defrosted. For reheating, you can toast the slices in a toaster or warm them up in the oven for a few minutes.

Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Whole Wheat Flour Instead of All-Purpose Flour in This Recipe?

Yes, you can use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour in this recipe. Whole wheat flour will give the bread a nuttier taste and a denser texture compared to all-purpose flour.

How Long Does It Take for the Dough to Rise?

You’ll be delighted to know that the dough rises in about 1-2 hours. But in case you encounter any issues, troubleshoot by adjusting temperature or yeast quantity. Follow these tips for a light and fluffy texture. Enjoy your baking freedom!

Can I Add Raisins or Other Dried Fruits to the Bread Dough?

Yes, you can add raisins or other dried fruits to the bread dough. Just mix them in before the final rise. To store the bread for maximum freshness, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or keep it in an airtight container.

Can I Substitute Honey for the Sugar in This Recipe?

Yes, you can substitute honey for sugar in the recipe. Using different types of sweeteners can impact the taste and texture of the bread. Experiment to find the perfect balance of sweetness for your liking.

Can I Use a Bread Machine to Make This Amish English Muffin Bread?

Yes, you can use a bread machine to make this Amish English Muffin Bread. It’s a convenient way to mix and knead the dough. You can also use whole wheat flour for a healthier option. Enjoy!

Can I Use Mayo in the Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe Instead of Banana?

Yes, you can use mayo in the Amish English Muffin Bread recipe instead of banana to create a unique twist on the traditional delicious mayo banana bread. The mayo will give the bread a moist texture and subtle tangy flavor that pairs well with the warmth of the English muffin bread.

:Can I Use the Amish English Muffin Bread Recipe to Make Banh Mi Bread?

The Amish English Muffin Bread recipe tutorial is a classic favorite, but can it be used to make Banh Mi bread? While both recipes involve bread-making, the specific flavors and textures of Banh Mi bread may not be achieved with the Amish English Muffin recipe. It’s recommended to use an authentic Banh Mi bread recipe tutorial for best results.


Savor the sensational taste of Amish English Muffin Bread, lovingly crafted with tender care. Its delightful texture and heavenly aroma will leave you craving more.

Toast it to perfection and watch as the golden crust crackles under the heat.

This versatile bread can be enjoyed with a variety of toppings or used as a base for delectable sandwiches.

Keep it fresh by storing in an airtight container or freeze for later indulgence.

Treat yourself to a slice of pure bliss with Amish English Muffin Bread.

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