Amish Bread Pudding Recipe

Amish Bread Pudding Recipe

Craving a warm, comforting dessert? Look no further than this tantalizing Amish bread pudding recipe! With its soft, custardy interior and golden, crispy crust, it’s a dessert that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight.

Using simple ingredients you probably already have in your pantry, this recipe is a breeze to make. So, grab a whisk and get ready to indulge in a slice of pure heaven.

Freedom never tasted so good!

Key Takeaways


To start making Amish bread pudding, gather the following ingredients.

First, you’ll need:

Next, you’ll need:

These ingredients form the base of the pudding.

For flavor enhancements, add:

You can also customize your pudding by adding raisins, chopped nuts, or even chocolate chips. Just make sure to soak the raisins beforehand for plumpness.

These ingredient tips will ensure a delicious and creamy Amish bread pudding that will satisfy your taste buds.

Amish Bread Pudding Recipe
Amish Bread Pudding Recipe

Preparing the Bread

Now that you have gathered the ingredients for Amish bread pudding, let’s move on to preparing the bread.

Follow these simple steps to ensure your bread turns out perfectly soaked and ready for the pudding:

  1. Bread Soaking: Start by cutting your bread into 1-inch cubes. This allows for even soaking and ensures that every bite of your pudding is filled with delicious flavor. Place the bread cubes in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Bread Cutting Techniques: To achieve uniform cubes, use a serrated knife and a gentle sawing motion. Avoid pressing down too hard, as this can result in squished bread cubes that don’t soak up the custard mixture properly.
  3. Soaking Time: Once your bread cubes are cut, it’s time to soak them. Pour the custard mixture over the bread, making sure to coat each cube evenly. Let the bread soak for at least 30 minutes, or until the cubes are soft and moist.
  4. Gently Stir: After soaking, gently stir the bread cubes to distribute the custard mixture evenly. This will ensure that every piece of bread is fully saturated and will result in a creamy and delicious bread pudding.

Now that your bread is prepared, it’s time to move on to making the custard mixture.

Making the Custard Mixture

Once you have prepared the bread, it’s time to make the custard mixture for your Amish bread pudding. The custard is what gives this dessert its creamy and indulgent texture. To achieve the perfect custard, here are some tips:

  1. Use a combination of whole milk and heavy cream for a rich and creamy base.
  2. Beat the eggs well before adding them to the mixture to ensure a smooth consistency.
  3. Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors of the custard.
  4. Sweeten the custard with sugar or a sweetener of your choice, adjusting the amount to your taste.
  5. Incorporate flavors like vanilla extract, cinnamon, or nutmeg to add depth to the custard.

TABLE: Troubleshooting Common Custard Problems

Curdled custardStrain the custard through a fine mesh sieve to remove any lumps.
Thin or watery custardIncrease the number of egg yolks or add a tablespoon of cornstarch to thicken the custard.
Overcooked custardRemove the custard from the heat as soon as it thickens and starts to coat the back of a spoon.

Assembling the Bread Pudding

Now that you have prepared the custard mixture, it’s time to assemble your Amish bread pudding.

To ensure the best results, choose a bread that’s slightly stale and has a firm texture, such as French bread or brioche.

When layering the bread in the baking dish, make sure to distribute the raisins or other add-ins evenly throughout.

Bread Selection Tips

To assemble the Amish Bread Pudding, you’ll need to select a sufficient amount of bread. The bread you choose plays a crucial role in the final texture and taste of the pudding. Here are some tips to help you make the right bread selection:

  1. Freshness: Opt for fresh bread that isn’t overly stale. Stale bread can result in a dry and dense pudding.
  2. Type of Bread: Choose a bread with a soft and tender texture, like brioche or challah. These breads have a higher moisture content, which will yield a moist and delicious pudding.
  3. Sliced or Cubed: Decide whether you prefer slices or cubes of bread in your pudding. Sliced bread will give you a more uniform texture, while cubed bread can create a delightful mix of soft and crispy bits.
  4. Bread Storage: If you have stale bread that you want to use, consider refreshing it by placing it in a sealed bag and lightly misting it with water. This will help restore some of its moisture.

By following these bread selection tips, you can ensure that your Amish Bread Pudding turns out perfectly moist and flavorful.

Enjoy the process and savor the freedom of creating a delicious dessert!

Layering Technique Suggestions

Start by generously buttering a baking dish. This will help prevent the bread pudding from sticking to the dish while baking.

Once the dish is buttered, it’s time to start layering the bread pudding. Begin by tearing your chosen bread into bite-sized pieces and layering them evenly in the dish. Make sure to cover the entire bottom of the dish with a single layer of bread.

Next, you can add any additional ingredients you desire, such as raisins, chocolate chips, or nuts, between the layers of bread.

After the bread is layered, it’s time to move on to the bread soaking step. In a separate bowl, combine milk, eggs, sugar, and your choice of flavorings, such as vanilla extract or cinnamon. Pour this mixture over the bread, making sure to evenly distribute it. The bread should be completely soaked in the mixture.

Now, it’s time to consider the sauce options. You can choose to serve the bread pudding with a variety of sauces, such as caramel, chocolate, or vanilla sauce. These sauces can be drizzled over the individual servings of bread pudding or served on the side.

Baking Time Recommendations

To ensure a perfectly baked Amish bread pudding, you’ll need to follow the recommended baking time. Here are four baking time recommendations to help you achieve the best results:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C): This is the ideal baking temperature for bread pudding. It allows the custard to set without drying out the bread.
  2. Bake for 45-55 minutes: The baking time may vary depending on the size and depth of your baking dish. Check the pudding after 45 minutes by inserting a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean, the pudding is ready. If not, continue baking for a few more minutes.
  3. Let it rest for 10 minutes: After removing the bread pudding from the oven, allow it to cool slightly. This will help it set and make it easier to slice and serve.
  4. Serve warm or at room temperature: Amish bread pudding is delicious on its own, but you can also serve it with a dollop of whipped cream or a dusting of powdered sugar for added sweetness.

Baking and Serving

Now that your Amish bread pudding is assembled, it’s time to focus on the next important steps: baking and serving.

Let’s discuss the points of recipe variations and substitutions, as well as presentation and garnishing.

You’ll learn how to customize the bread pudding to your liking and make it visually appealing for a delightful dining experience.

Amish Bread Pudding Recipe

Recipe Variations and Substitutions

To bring variety to your Amish Bread Pudding, you can experiment with different recipe variations and substitutions for baking and serving. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  1. Recipe Modifications:
  1. Ingredient Alternatives:
  1. Baking Variations:
  1. Serving Suggestions:

Presentation and Garnishing

  1. Start by garnishing your Amish Bread Pudding with a dusting of powdered sugar. This simple step adds a touch of elegance and sweetness to the dish. But why stop there? Let your creativity shine by exploring different garnishing techniques and creative plating ideas. Here are a few suggestions to inspire you:
Garnishing TechniqueCreative Plating Idea
Fresh Fruit SlicesArrange them in a fan shape on top of the pudding for a vibrant and refreshing look.
Whipped Cream DollopPlace a dollop of whipped cream on one corner of the pudding and sprinkle it with chocolate shavings.
Caramel DrizzleDrizzle warm caramel sauce over the bread pudding in a zigzag pattern for a decadent touch.

Experiment with these ideas or come up with your own unique garnishes to make your Amish Bread Pudding a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds.

Variations and Tips

Try out different variations and follow these tips to make your Amish bread pudding even more delicious. Here are four ideas to enhance the flavors and presentation of your bread pudding:

  1. Experiment with flavors:

While the traditional Amish bread pudding is made with vanilla and cinnamon, don’t hesitate to try different flavors. Add a touch of nutmeg for a warm and cozy taste or incorporate lemon zest for a refreshing twist.

  1. Incorporate fruits and nuts:

Enhance the texture and taste of your bread pudding by adding fruits like raisins, diced apples, or sliced peaches. You can also sprinkle some chopped walnuts or pecans on top for a delightful nutty crunch.

  1. Serve it warm:

For the ultimate indulgence, serve your Amish bread pudding warm. You can top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce, creating a decadent dessert that will satisfy any sweet tooth.

  1. Get creative with presentation:

Don’t be afraid to get creative when serving your bread pudding. You can cut it into individual portions and serve it in ramekins or layer it with whipped cream and fruit in a trifle dish for an elegant dessert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Any Type of Bread for the Amish Bread Pudding Recipe?

You can use any type of bread for the recipe. If you’re vegan, there are plenty of vegan bread alternatives available. Additionally, you can experiment with different bread pudding variations to suit your taste.

How Can I Make a Vegan Version of This Amish Bread Pudding Recipe?

To make a vegan version of the Amish bread pudding, you can explore various options. Experiment with alternative ingredients like plant-based milk, flax eggs, and maple syrup to create a delicious and cruelty-free treat.

Can I Substitute the Whole Milk With a Non-Dairy Milk Alternative?

Yes, you can substitute whole milk with a non-dairy milk alternative in the Amish Bread Pudding Recipe. The best non-dairy milk alternatives to use are almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk.

What Other Fruits Can I Add to the Bread Pudding for Extra Flavor?

You can add a variety of fruits to your bread pudding for extra flavor. Consider using fresh berries, sliced apples, or even diced peaches. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite!

How Long Can I Store the Leftover Bread Pudding in the Refrigerator?

You can store the leftover bread pudding in the refrigerator for up to three days. The best way to store it is to cover it tightly with plastic wrap or transfer it to an airtight container.

Is Amish Bread Pudding Similar to Puerto Rican Bread Pudding?

Yes, the Amish bread pudding is similar to Puerto Rican bread pudding. Both desserts use similar ingredients and methods, but the Puerto Rican bread pudding recipe contains a few extra ingredients, such as coconut milk and rum. Overall, both variations result in a delicious and comforting dessert.


In conclusion, this Amish bread pudding recipe is a delightful dessert that will surely satisfy your sweet tooth.

The combination of soft, creamy bread soaked in a rich custard mixture creates a comforting and indulgent treat.

Just like the Amish community, this bread pudding recipe represents tradition, simplicity, and togetherness.

So gather your loved ones, enjoy a slice of this warm and comforting dessert, and savor the moments of joy and connection it brings.

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